Psychologists and Therapists for Italians and Expats in Milan

What we treat
We have a special interest in expat psychology
Anxiety: Anxiety about school, work, sexual or sporting performance, abandonment anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder
Relationship difficulties: difficulties in friendships and romantic relationships, toxic relationships, couples therapy, family therapy, personality disorders
Panic attacks: panic disorder, isolated or recurrent panic episodes, nightmares
Mood disorders: depression, mood changes, cyclothymic disorder, bipolar disorder, postpartum disorder
Obsessive thoughts: intrusive and recurrent thoughts, rumination, compulsive actions, obsessive compulsive disorder
Traumas: bereavement, separations, violence, abuse, accidents, attachment traumas and small traumas repeated over time, post-traumatic stress disorder
Life changes: difficulties in adapting to a new sentimental, family or work situation, transfers, adaptation to a new body image
Phobias: claustrophobia, agoraphobia, emetophobia, fear of flying, specific phobias
Addictions: addiction to substances, alcohol, gambling and video games, porn. Affective addictions and co-dependencies
Sexual disorders: disorders of desire, excitement, orgasm, paraphilias
Food disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge-eating, obesity, selective and restrictive eating
Parenting difficulties: difficulties in education and emotional support for children. Different styles between partners
School and learning difficulties: dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysorthography. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD).

Where to find us
Wagner Practice
via Elba 10, 20144 Milan
MM1 WAGNER at 300 m
Tram 16,61,67 at 200 m
Citylife Practice
piazza VI Febbraio 4, 20145 Milano
MM5 TRE TORRI at 500 m
Tram 19 at 10 m
E-mail: info@sipsicologia.it
Tel. +39 3206644107
Opening Hours
We are open from Mondays to Saturdays